About AML Certified PH


Is this a legitimate training site?

Certified.ph has been fully accredited by the Anti-Money Laundering Council, the governing body in-charge of the AML regulations and training. This is as legit as it gets!


How long will this training take?

It will take less than a day but depends on how quickly you can work and how good your internet connection is. Usually, a single module takes 30 minutes to complete.


How much does this cost?

We keep costs down and deliver the same content as you would get face-to-face. A single course starts at ₱2800.


I can’t spend all day online. Can I stop mid-training?

Yes. Certified.ph modules are designed to allow you time to take a break and go and do something else instead. When you are ready, you can return to the module and start from where you left off.


Online learning isn’t secure. How do you stop cheating?

Certified.ph uses the highest level of encryption and validation processes. However, we do recognize that no system is entirely foolproof. We collect specific pieces of data that tell us whether you are accessing the course from the same device you signed up with, and we can track when there is anything unusual happening with your account. Whilst we cannot stop a determined cheat, we will invalidate anyone's account who is caught.


Do I need to go anywhere to do this?

No. All Certified.ph training takes place online. All you need is an internet connection and a device capable of displaying web pages. A cell phone will do! You can do your training from anywhere you like.


Can I buy a course for all my staff in one go?

Yes. Certified.ph has many ways you can train including as an individual. If you need a set number of learners on a training course, please contact us in the first instance so that we can better see how we can help you.

Learning online is dull. Why should I do this?

Certified.ph delivers a dull subject in an exciting way! The modules present the information in an easy to understand way, making a tough subject quite fun to learn. We recognize that online learning is not for everyone, so we try to make it as enjoyable and as engaging as possible.


How can I show others that I am trained?

When you complete a full course, you can download a personalized certificate with your own unique identity code so no one else can copy it. We think you should proudly display the certificate somewhere where others can see it!


What if I encounter a problem or need some support?

Certified.ph has a team of highly trained staff who specialize in giving support. If you need help, you only need to raise a ticket in the built-in help system and one of them will assist you. Whilst they're good at sorting out your issues with using the system, they won't be able to fix your computer or advise you what is wrong with your devices!


2021 AMLC Webinar for Real Estate Stakeholders FAQs


AMLC conducted a series of free AML/CFT webinars for real estate stakeholders last March 2021. We compiled some of the frequently asked questions throughout the sessions.


Is there an IRR provision specifically on the inclusion of real estate brokers as covered persons?

Yes, the 2018 IRR, the most basic IRR covering all legal and regulatory framework and comprehensive enough to capture everything you need to know. However, AMLC will be issuing a more detailed guidelines paper for designated non-financial businesses and professions to which real estate brokers and developers fall under.


If I am a real estate broker under a developer, who will be the compliance officer?

Full-time brokers under one developer do not need to register under AMLC, the company will do it on your behalf. They will also assign a Compliance Officer (CO) to handle all the responsibilities of a CO.
However, if you are a broker accredited to various developers, you will have to register under AMLC on your own and comply with all the three major requirements of conducting KYC on your customer reporting as well as record keeping, regardless of your income.


Can I be a Compliance Officer (CO) for multiple companies?

Having a designated, full-time CO per company is better so that the company you represent will be entirely protected. If you can protect them all and be fully aware of your responsibilities and accountabilities, there is no problem being a CO of multiple companies.


What about the other entities which have the leasing or selling real property as a secondary purpose? Are realtors for condominiums and others being acquired by foreigners included as well?

The definition of real estate developers includes not just selling, but also leasing. Transactions such as leasing would likewise be covered by the definition of real estate developers and will have to register. If you buy and sell or lease real properties, you are falling under the definition of real estate developer and you will have to register.


Which documents should I save for 5 years?

CIF (Customer Information Form), Deed of Sale


Will the AMLC provide witness protection for those who will report considering that the money launderer could be a terrorist? Are real estate brokers protected by the AMLC?

Yes, these are clearly written in the law specifically the case under Section 9C - the Confidentiality Provision. AMLC is obliged to keep in confidence every suspicious transaction report (STR). AMLC is forever barred from disclosing such information. Even covered persons should not disclose that they filed CTRs and/or STRs with AMLC. AMLC disclosure that it was filed may also be prosecuted with the confidentiality provision. This is the full protection you can expect from the AMLA. You are protected under that provision.


If the payment is through bank, do we still file a report?

You do not need to file a covered transaction report (CTR). Covered transaction pertains to cold cash deliveries or receiving of payments.


What are covered/reportable real estate transactions?

Transactions meeting the following conditions are covered and should be reported: 7.5 million or higher in COLD CASH.

  • If less than 7.5 million, not reportable
  • If 7.5 million, not reportable
  • If higher than 7.5 million, reportable

Source: http://www.amlc.gov.ph/images/PDFs/ARI%201%20(2021)%202018%20IRR%20AMENDMENTS.pdf


How often should we take AML training?

Recommended is to attend varying levels of training programs, from basic, intermediate, and advanced AMLA seminars to enhance skills to understand operations to combat AMLA risks and new movements in money laundering and terrorism financing.

To ensure quality and up-to-date training, take your AMLA with accredited training providers such as with our AML/CTF E-Learning Courses.

View available courses here.


For more inquiries, if you have a user account you may log in and raise a support ticket. If you do not have an account, please complete the 'Contact Us' form.

Last modified: Wednesday, 19 July 2023, 10:17 AM